
Each year, the Deer Valley Education Foundation raises funds for educational enrichment
programs for the students and teachers of the Deer Valley School District. Because of
programs we fund, students are presented with science challenges and math projects,
doors are opened to music appreciation, art is showcased, and history is brought alive for
thousands of students in our Deer Valley Schools. Future astronauts and pilots attend
Space Camp through our scholarships and high school juniors and seniors interested in the
health care field are offered dual enrollment scholarships and CTE. We also honor our
teachers and nurses each year with our Teacher of the Year and Nurse of the Year

For over 25 years, The Deer Valley Education Foundation has enriched the educational
experience in Deer Valley School District classrooms. Schools do not receive state or
federal funding for classroom pilot projects or expanding programs, nor is there money
for rewarding teachers for the outstanding dedication they exhibit to our children. These
are part of the experiences we add to the District.

We do what we can to raise the standards of education within our community to support
programs that strengthen our children’s educational experience, not only by supporting
their academic adventures, but also helping to build their character. Our goal is to meet
the needs of every child in every school.

Many businesses throughout our community partner with The Deer Valley Education,
including employee matching programs. DVUSD employees contribute to the Foundation
through payroll deductions. We are a United Way participant (write in agency code #836)
and we also have an annual golf fundraiser and auction – call for details on marketing
opportunities or foursome information. We are partners with Get Away Today Travel
Service, and of course we accept contributions, of which ½ can be designated to the
DVUSD school of your choice.

Please contact us at (623) 445-5012 or e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for additional
information or if you have any questions.


Marie Brennan

Marie Brennan
Executive Director